Link to a Provider or Practice

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Invite Code vs Provider Code

To accommodate different practice workflows, there are two types of codes used to invite patients to Care Convene (Invite Codes and Provider Codes)

If you did not receive a code, please contact your doctor’s office directly so they can provide you with a code or a new invite.

Invite Code

The Invite Code is used by a Practice or Provider to electronically invite a patient to our platform (usually through Email or Text Message).  

As it is a personalized code it is capable of pre-loading some of the Registration information which can ease the process.  This code is only used when registering a new patient account.

The 9-digit Invite Code will look something like this: XYZ-123-ABC

Provider Code

Sometimes workflow or logistical challenges make using the Invite Code difficult, so another way to connect is by using a Provider Code.  This code uniquely represents a Provider or Practice within our system. 

Since it is generic (not personalized) it can easily be included with pamphlets, business cards or discharge documentation to make patients aware of a practice’s telehealth offerings.  The Provider Code is also used to link existing Care Convene patient accounts to Providers and Practices.  

You may have received this code in a number of ways:  Email, Text Message, by phone, or as part of your discharge paperwork.  

The 6-digit Provider Code will look something like this: ABC123

New Account? - Using the Invite Code

  1. If you have not already done so, download the app for your Android or iPhone device
  2. Open the app and click the Register Now button

If you received an electronic invite or 9-digit code from your Provider or Practice, select I was Invited

If you received a 6-digit Provider Code, select I will Register Myself

I was Invited

I will Register Myself

Enter your provided code and your birthdate.  This should make the Process Invitation button available.

Please complete all Fields (Name, Email, etc.).  Near the bottom you will see a field for Provider Code.  Once all fields are completed, click Register.

Already Registered? - Using the Provider Code

  1. If you already have an account, sign in on your mobile device
  2. Access the ‘Visit’ screen and Select the Add Provider Code option

3. A popup should display at the bottom.  Enter the code from your doctor or practice and hit ‘Apply’.  If you receive an error, please verify you are entering the correct 6-digit code you received from your doctor’s office.

Once You're Linked to a Practice/Provider

The Practice or Provider card displaying on your ‘Visit’ screen indicates that you are successfully linked!  

If you would like to start or schedule a virtual visit simply click Tap to Begin.  Complete all of the prompts and your provider will be automatically notified.

Still Have Questions?

Please refer to our Patient FAQs for more info.